Monday, September 5, 2016

38. We Need to Actually See it

Today's Chitas starts off, "See, I place a bracha before you today."

But what exactly is the Bracha?

Of course it includes everything.
But most importantly, it refers to the ultimate Bracha of the true and complete Geulah, that Moshiach will bring about!

And what does HaShem tell us about this Bracha that he is giving us?

That we need to actually SEE it!

It's not enough that we believe it, want it, daven for it, learn about it, or understand it!

The main thing is that we should SEE the Geulah before us with our own physical eyes!

And _when_ do we need to see this Bracha?


It's not enough to believe that we will _eventually_ see it.
It's not enough to believe that it will happen in our own lifetime, or even that it will happen "very soon".
We need to really await His coming, TODAY!

(Based on Living with Moshiach, R' Immanuel Schochet)

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