Monday, September 5, 2016

34. Don't be Afraid to Believe!

Doesn't believing in Moshiach only bring us disappointment? 
Aren't we making ourselves too vulnerable by believing and hoping he will come _today_?
What happens when the whole day passes and there's no news? What did we gain? It seems we only lost!
And how can we really hope again the next day?

But the truth is that we benefit greatly from our belief, even if Gd forbid he didn't come that day. 
And it IS possible to believe again today, even after being disappointed yesterday.

For example, when you buy a lottery ticket, although statistically you have only a one-in-thirteen-million chance of winning, everyone who buys a ticket hopes that he will win. The proof is that you bought a ticket. You begin to fantasize about what you will do with all the money when you win. The "hope of winning" adds a spirit of excitement to your life. You are now more cheerful, more joyful, and, most of all, more productive because maybe, just maybe, you will be the winner.

The same is true with Moshiach. The mere hope that Moshiach can, and will, come today, will change your life for the better! It will motivate you to do more good and give you a spirit of optimism and joy that makes your day more productive.

It makes no sense to say that believing in Moshiach is wrong because it brings disappointment, because we see that the very same people who believed they would win the Lotto and didn't, still buy tickets the following week! 
Even though you were disappointed, your hope is once again reawakened and you buy another ticket. 
Even though Moshiach did not come last week and we are disappointed, we reawaken the spirit of hope that today will be the day..

But there is also a major difference!

When you buy a lottery or auction ticket, nobody ever promised you that you will ever win one day! 
You might very possibly *never* actually win, and it's possible you'll give up trying one day. 

But with Moshiach, we know he will _definitely_ come in our days! 
We can never ever give up, because it's 
100% guaranteed!!!

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