Monday, September 5, 2016

42. We're NOT Okay!

41, 43, 47, 13????!!!!

This is not normal!
It's not ok!
We're not ok!
Stories that just stopped in the middle.
Journeys that weren't completed.

Yes Hashem, you have our attention,
But now what?!
How does it help?
Is _this_ going to finally make Moshiach come?
Why are you hiding Your face?

Did You not see enough tears?
Did You not hear enough cries?
Cries of small children who just lost their fathers,
Cries of young wives who just lost their husbands,
Cries of loving parents who just lost their sweet bar mitzvah boy,
Cries of innocent children who just lost their brother,
Cries of grandparents, relatives, and friends...

And cries of the rest of us who have never even met them...
Yet can't rest!

Because no matter how ok things might seem for us now
No matter how blessed we might feel now
Our joy can never be complete

We always have that broken glass
We always have that undone space
We always have that hole in our hearts

Since we know that too many of our fellow brothers and sisters are suffering,
Right now, as we speak.

No, we can't just move on with our own lives,
Because we are all our brothers' keepers.

Yes HaShem,
We believe you are the True Judge
But we don't understand how this can ever be justified!
How many sacrifices must we make?
For how long can Moshiach be right at the door,
Unable to open it?
For how long can the plane keep going in circles,
Unable to land?

What's stopping You from ending it now?!
Even the Rebbe saw no explanation!

The time is NOW to end this Golus!
The time is NOW for Techiyas hameisim!
If not now, then when?
So what are You waiting for?

Send us Moshiach now!!!

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