Monday, September 5, 2016

40. Seeing What You Believe

The main challenge of serving Hashem in Golus is the terrible clash between what we _know_ and what we _see._

It is a constant, difficult, and painful battle to try to follow our minds instead of our hearts.
To try to choose what we know _is_ good, over what we see _looks_ so good.
To sincerely believe the reality we _know_ is true, over the reality we _see_ with our very own eyes.

As R' Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev put it, "If Hashem would have put all of the physical desires in black and white books on the shelf, and put all of the spiritual truths and desires in 5d in front of our eyes, of course everyone would choose what's right!"

And that's exactly what will happen when Moshiach comes.

Yiddishkeit will come jumping out of the bookshelf and suddenly be visible and tangible to all our senses, out on the streets!

At that time, we won't have to close our eyes and put effort not to look at exciting things that aren't kosher, because everything that isn't kosher will completely stop enticing us!

Instead, Hashem will be fully revealed, and we will see Him with our very own eyes!
We will witness open miracles every single day!
We will be able to see the Gdly energy that is the constant life force of the entire world!
We will see how being connected to Him is the only source of all possible blessings!
And we'll feel completely in love and in awe!

Learning and davening will be transformed from something we have to struggle to concentrate on, to the most interesting and exciting activity, because this time, we'll see our Father, our King, in front of us!

We'll all be elevated to the level of prophets who can see and hear HaShem directly!

We won't need to be _commanded_ to do Mitzvos because we will see the awesome effect each one has on ourselves and the entire world, and we'll _want_ to do all of them, on our own accord!

But if there is Gd forbid any time until then, the great test is to stop believing what we see and start seeing what we believe, even now in the dark!
Because once the lights are switched on,
the game is over.

Real life will begin!

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