Wednesday, December 21, 2016

48. Soldiers

Today is the anniversary of the founding of Tomchei Temimim, which we are told was established for a clear and specific goal:
To hasten the coming of Moshiach. 
To produce strong soldiers who will form the army of Moshiach.
Who will fight those who shame the "footsteps" of Moshiach. 
Those who can never be called "enemies of HaShem", because they spend all their time learning Torah and doing Mitzvos. 
Perhaps even teaching others to do the same. 
But those who can't handle hearing that Moshiach is near. 
Don't like to announce that "He's almost here."
Those who believe in HaShem with complete heart and soul. 
Yet believe in Moshiach with only half, if at all.
To produce strong soldiers who will go out with love and peace.
Yet fight for Moshiach with full confidence, no fear of what will be.
Who will face those who mock, those who shame, those who doubt, 
Who will embrace them each with love,
Yet with a faith so fiery 
That it will melt the cold and apathy.
And warm anyone in its way.
But today *every* Jew is being called upon to serve,
Not only students, but every father and mother.
Because Moshiach is counting on each of us to fight.
It's only through us, that He can light up this night.
And even if we think we're not strong enough ourselves. 
Even if we have our own doubts, and no time.
Even if we feel we don't know how to win.
Even if we recognize the enemy, within.  
Because the greatest battle lies inside our own hearts.
Because the greatest battle starts, and ends inside our minds. 
Because once we conquer ourselves, we can conquer the world. 
Because Moshiach is counting on us to win His war.
We can't leave the job to anyone else,
Because each of us was given all of the strength. 
And even if we fell, we can rise up once more
Until the job is done, we can't just ignore
If not me, then who? 
If not now, then when?
It's time to enter the Land of Israel, 

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