How many times do we stop and wonder if our actions are really making enough of a difference?
We work so hard, invest SO much time and energy, and sacrifice so many of our comforts, yet we don't always see how it's really all worth it!
We are each working tirelessly in our own little corner of the world but we don't always see the major payoffs and effects of our labor, and we can sometimes feel discouraged.
The other day someone sent me an amazing message about bees and how much honey they make in their whole lifetime.
You can google it and see for yourself that it takes 12 bees to make just one little teaspoon of honey!
So what would happen if the bee would think to himself, "This is crazy! A whole life of labor and all I can show for it is a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey?!"
"In just one moment a Jew can come and dip his apple in my honey and there goes all my life work?!"
"Forget it, I'm discouraged, Let me instead just sit back and enjoy life. I quit!"
Word would get out to all the bee Whatsapp groups, and soon there would be no more honey in the world!
Just like the bees, our life work is to each add a tiny bit of sweetness to the world around us.
And even if it would take a whole life time just to add one drop of sweetness to one Jewish soul- it would all be worth it!
Like the Baal Shem Tov said, "for 70, 80 years, a Neshama wears and tears, just to do a favor for another!"
And the bees come to tell us that even if all our life work only serves to bring Moshiach a tiny bit sooner, making the world sweet for just a few extra moments, it is still worth all the sweat and toil!
And the good news is, that in our case, that extra moment of sweetness we contribute, will serve not only one person, but every single soul in the entire world!
Our honey will be spread out and multiplied throughout all of creation, to millions of souls, billions of people, our dear Rebbe, and the Shechina herself!
The entire universe will be grateful for that one extra minute of a completely pain free, sweet existence.
And more importantly, just like the bees, our integral contribution will add up together with everyone else's life work to create MILLIONS of extra doses of sweetness- not only in quantity but also in quality, since the level of pleasure of the future world is completely dependent on our deeds now!
So thanks to our efforts, Moshiach will come a whole _lot_ sooner, and His times will be a whole _lot_ sweeter, and together we will celebrate the global sweetening of the entire world - before this Rosh Hashana, and forever!
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