Is it possible to be driving down the right road, to be making all the right turns, to even be arriving at the right destination,
yet to still be completely lost?
Of course it is.
Too often, we are in the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing...
Yet we're not in the right state of mind.
We can be so close, yet so far,
Cuz we're not facing the right way,
Not realizing where we are.
That's why the Alter Rebbe taught that HaShem is constantly asking each of us, "Ayeka?! Where are you?!"
True, you are busy all day with very good, important, and holy things;
But is it possible that you are still lost?
Do you really know where you are going with all this? Do you constantly remember the ultimate purpose of every single positive action you take?
Or are you just following the GPS mindlessly, by rote?
True, it's been a long and exhausting journey, and we're in a hurry, but HaShem is asking us to stop for a moment and meditate on where we are now and where we are heading.
And to stay focused on our one and only destiny at all times...
To remember that the sole purpose of the creation of the world, the sole purpose of the Alter Rebbe with Chabad Chassidus, the sole purpose of our generation -Dor Shvii, and the sole purpose of each and every one of our life's work.. is to complete Hashem's master plan of making this world a comfortable home for His presence.
Or, as we read tonight, in the words of the Frierdiker Rebbe : “At this time, when the world is quaking, when the entire world is shuddering with the birth pangs of Moshiach,and Hashem has set the walls of Golus afire…, every Jew — man and woman, old and young — is obligated to ask himself: ‘What have I done and what am I doing to ease the birth pangs of Moshiach and merit the ultimate Redemption that will come about through Moshiach?’”
Hayom Yom! Today is the day - to ask ourselves this question and to give our honest accounting to HaShem..
But at the same time, it's finally our turn to turn the tables and ask HaShem,
"Ayeka?! Where are YOU?!"
It's already been 5777 years since creation,
It's already been so many years since Yud Tes Kislev,
It's already been so many years since the Rebbe's Nevuah of Geulah!
So where are You? Where are You hiding?
Come reveal Yourself to Your children, in full glory, TODAY!
לע״נ ר׳ מנחם מאיר בן ר׳ חיים משה יהודה הכהן ע״
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