Saturday, March 26, 2022

Day 1/30 - *Gift to the Rebbe for 11 Nissan*

 Hi All 😍

Today was the 11th of Adar, which means that there are just 30 days left until the 11th of Nissan, the 120th birthday of our Rebbe.

We are supposed to start preparing at least 30 days before and so my tiny birthday present is to bli neder try to write a short daily Moshiach thought, cuz learning is the “straight path” to bringing Moshiach, and there is no doubt that the Rebbe will not be satisfied with any birthday gift less than the ultimate one - the gift of us finishing off our job of making the true and complete Redemption a reality. 🙏

Hope it’s ok to share my thoughts here. And just want to make a disclaimer that they are nothing more than my currect thoughtstream, and so of course there can be so many different perspectives. ❤️ 

Day 1

The past 2 years have been really unbelievable, and the past 2 weeks have been even more completely shocking! We’ve seen world changes which we could never have imagined were possible to experience in our lifetimes! 

What in the world is going on?! 

It seems clear that what’s going on is that TIME IS UP!! Golus(exile) time has expired! The “baby” is already overdue to the maximum!

The Rebbe promised on Day 1 that we are the last generation of Golus (exile) and the first generation of Geulah (Redemption), and repeated this fact over and over and over again...

But how long is a “generation”? 

The Rebbe said, (in the Sicha of Shemos 5752,) that 70 years is the “completion of the nesius/leadership”. 

Not sure how to calculate 70 years but this past Yud Shvat was 70 years since the 10th of Shvat 5711 - the day the Rebbe first said that promise! And 70 years is the MAXIMUM because the Rebbe’s words MUST be fulfilled. So we are clearly overdue! 

And here we are standing so close to the Rebbe’s 120th birthday. 120 years is a LIFETIME. Moshe, the first Redeemer, lived to exactly 120 years. Again, this sounds very much like a generation! 

(120 years also reminds me of the 120 years until the fulfilment of Noach’s prophecy of the flood, and BezH we too can look forward to the Rebbe’s positive prophecy of Geulah proving true before the Rebbe’s 120 mark!)

It’s true that we are not allowed to calculate the keitz /the end, but the Rebbe said that “all the end-times passed already!”, and besides, here we are not talking about an end time, but about the fulfilment of the Rebbe’s positive prophecy! We know that it's true no matter what, but HaShem must SHOW the world that it’s true, and the time has come! And from our end, we must await His coming EVERY day, so how much more so today - when we are literally in the end of days...

And since the Geulah must happen through US, it seems like all that we’ve been experiencing in recent times has just been a very uncomfortable wake up call, shaking us all to the get unstuck from our attachment to Golus, squeezing us out of our previous Golus comfort zone, and revealing that we truly DO want Moshiach with an “emes”! 

We don't have any answers, but we know that there MUST be a positive purpose, and the only outcome that could make up for all that we have been through is the true and complete Geulah! May it be right NOW!!!

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