Saturday, March 26, 2022

Day 5/30 - *The Battle with Amalek*

 We already believed SO many times in the past, we already tried SO many times in the past... 

If Moshiach didn’t come until now, how will this time be different? 

“Just one more positive thought, just one more positive word, or just one more positive action, can be the final one to tip the scale” - 


So much time has passed since we heard these words, and countless good thoughts and words and deeds have already been done...

How can we believe that the next one will be any different?

What’s the point of doing more of the same, if we haven’t seen results from what we’ve done until now?  

Do we need to try something new? 

And if we didn’t manage to do whatever is needed until now, will we EVER manage to do what it takes? 

Will we ever be “enough”?

Will He ever be satisfied?



it’s “good old” Amelek talking... 

Fighting us.

Cooling us off...

Trying to fill our minds with Doubts.

Trying to discourage us. 

Trying to tire us. 

Trying to make us give up chv...


on our way to Geulah..

So from where do we draw strength when we start feeling weak?

How do we stand tall when we are just about to fall?

Who will help us win this war, when we feel we are failing?

Just like back then, 

We turn to our Moshe Rabbeinu!

We return to his words, 

His letters, 

His sichos, 

His maamorim.

We learn 

We connect 

We accept 

We draw strength

We stand up 

We March on 

With simple faith 

With renewed trust

We recognise whose talking

We talk back 

We interject 

We let go 

of our doubts 

of our sadness

of our weakness

We won’t give in

We won’t give up.

Cuz He won’t let us! 

His words,

Are our lifeline.


& We remember that

‎יגעתי ומצאתי תאמין

Is a guarantee 

So just imagine how great 

this Geulah will be

If it’s taken all of history 

To prepare for it 

To build it 

To merit it 

To make it a reality 

Small goals take small efforts 

Huge goals take huge efforts 

And though it’s hard to move on when we don’t see our progress,

We know that every single step has truly brought us closer! 

And the next step is so likely to be the last!

The past Geulahs came relatively quickly 


The past Geulahs were temporary 

The past Geulahs were incomplete..,

This final Geulah feels like it’s taking forever..


This final Geulah will last FOREVER!

& This final Geulah will be TOTAL

Cuz this final Geulah will be OURS, 

By us, through us, 

A complete transformation 

Yes, every single effort is making a difference 

Yes, every single effort is truly adding up 

Yes, every single effort will pay off for eternity 

And it’s worth it!

According to the efforts are the rewards 

And yes,

We ARE about to cross the finish line...

🎼 🎼 🎼 

“So hold on hold on...”

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