Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Day 15/30 - *Holy Pleasures*

 Someone wrote to me this morning that while yesterday’s thought really resonated with her, it seemed like the exact opposite message of yesterday’s Hayom Yom, that:

“What is forbidden is forbidden, and what is permitted is unnecessary.”? 

I hadn’t noticed it at first, but after she pointed it out, it was amazing to put together the two pieces and see how the Rebbetzin’s Hayom Yom really clarifies the meaning of her words, “Enjoy Life!”

It goes without saying that she surely didn’t mean to enjoy forbidden pleasures, Gd forbid! 

But it seems she didn’t even mean to enjoy _permitted_ pleasures - because that would be impossible to reconcile with her Hayom Yom, as well as with what she showed us through her living example…

So clearly - she was specifically referring to enjoying HOLY pleasures! 

And that explains why it needs reminding! 

Because we don’t need any “reminders” to enjoy what’s forbidden! Or even what’s permitted! Our animal soul does a great job at that naturally!

But we definitely DO need the constant reminder to enjoy all the TRUE pleasures of life! To find the deep enjoyment in all that is holy and good - because that’s where the deepest pleasure is to be found - 

In davening, in learning, in spending time with our children, in fulfilling our shlichus, and in helping others…! 

As it says in the hayom yom of 6 Adar 1, 

“It is a magnificent gift of G‑d to merit an innate sense - a "feel" - for doing kindness to another, to derive deep pleasure from it.”

Or as explained in today’s Tanya, to fulfill Hashem’s will with a love that is born from *meditation*, the kind that takes “reminding”, as opposed to the kind that we feel naturally…

And THAT is where we are able to experience a taste of the pleasure of Geulah! 

Because Moshiach’s times will not be about vacationing on the beach with a nice cocktail, or enjoying all kinds of sports or entertainment… ! 

It will be about an infinitely higher pleasure - a holy pleasure, a Gdly pleasure!

So great, that all worldly pleasures will suddenly appear like mere dust in our eyes!

It will be the pleasure of witnessing the entire world accepting and crowning Melech HaMoshiach as their King! 

And through His Kingship, the pleasure of witnessing the entire world truly recognizing and desiring Hashem’s Kingship,

ומלכותו *ברצון* קבלו עליהם…-

Accepting and fulfilling all of His commands, by CHOICE, with desire, and love!

The pleasure of experiencing endless joyous farbrengens with Melech HaMoshiach, and hearing awesome new Torah wisdom emanating from Him!

The pleasure of seeing the triumph of the truth, the fair judgement of the wicked, the end of all evil and lies - once and forever!

The pleasure of watching all Jews unite together in true peace and unity and friendship - completely raw, and stripped of all ego! 

The pleasure of experiencing the grand reunion with all of our Tzaddikim and with all of our loved ones, and with all generations of Jews that have ever lived, the ultimate Hakhel!

The pleasure of singing and dancing to Hashem in the 3rd Beis Hamikdash, and offering our sacrifices there with joy!

The pleasure of knowing and seeing and feeling Hashem’s infinite love for us, His unconditional pride in us, and the indescribable pleasure that He has from us!

The pleasure of ולא יכנף עוד מוריך -  of knowing Hashem in the most intimate way, of seeing Hashem reveal His essence to us, without any coverings, without any concealments!

The pleasure of seeing the sweet fruits of all our labor, the full effect of every positive thought, and word, and action, that we performed throughout all these thousands of years! 

The pleasure that will be so great that it will justify all the pain and suffering that we experienced throughout the entire duration of Golus, to the point that we will say, אודך ה כי אנפת בי!

We can truly go on and on forever… 

For while all the pleasures of this material world don’t add up to even one moment of the spiritual pleasures of Gan Eden…

All of the spiritual pleasures of Gan Eden don’t add up to even one moment of the ultimate pleasures of the era of Moshiach and the Resurrection!  

Which explains why even the holiest souls which have already experienced thousands of levels of Gdly pleasure in Heaven, just can’t wait to come back down here on earth -  

Because the Essence of the Shechina will be revealed specifically DOWN HERE! 

The ultimate *Holy* Pleasure of Hashem together with His beloved Jewish People, will be experienced right in this lowest world!

So while it was once said that, _“The Moshiach that you want will never come, and the Moshiach that will come, you don’t want…”_ - 

*We are so past that by now!!!*

Today, we have learned enough and meditated enough and matured enough to the level of truly wanting the REAL Moshiach! 

We know exactly who He is and exactly what He is about! 

And we are more than ready to greet Him with open arms!!! 

So let HIm just come! 

We are ready to TRULY “Enjoy LIfe,” like we never have before!

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