Saturday, March 26, 2022

Day 8/30 - *If the belief in Moshiach is so important, why is it not counted as one of the 613 Mitzvos?*

 If the belief in Moshiach is so important, why is it not counted as one of the 613 Mitzvos?

  1. There is an opinion that the belief in Moshiach is included in the first of the Aseres Hadibros, אנכי ה אלקיך אשר הוצאתיך מארץ מצרים… Just like we must believe that Hashem took us out of Mitzvrayim, we must believe that He will once again gather us from between the nations. (Smak)

  1. According to the rule of the Rambam that we only count Mitzvos that apply to ALL generations, the belief in Moshiach’s coming and the obligation to await Him is not counted because it is TEMPORARY. It only applies during the time of Golus; it will no longer apply once Moshiach arrives. (The Rebbe, Parshas Balak 5748)

  1. According to the rule of the Rambam that we don't count any of the general, all - inclusive, commands as one of the Mitzvos, we don’t count the belief in Moshiach as one of the 613 details, because it is not about one specific Mitzvah. It’s the belief that  there will come a time when Hashem will finally be King over the whole world, and we will all be able to keep ALL of the 613 Mitzvos. (The 4th rule in the Rambam’s introduction.)

  1. None of the 13 principles of Faith are counted as mitzvos, because you can’t FORCE someone to believe something! The principles are all prerequisites & foundations of our faith, which all of the 613 mitzvos depend on. This is because if a person doesn’t recognise the Commander, then there is nobody to talk to - nobody who feels obligated to listen. (That’s why they are all only written in the negative, that someone who does not believe in them, is denying the entire Torah.)

  1. The 13 principles of Faith are not commandments, but TRUTHS. We believe in them not because we are obligated to believe in them, but because the Gdly soul of every single Jew NATURALLY recognizes and admits these truths, without any need for proofs! 

(Based on today’s class with Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld in “Inyonei Shel Moshiach”)

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